The website provides general information regarding Champion Flour Milling Limited (Champion) and its range of products, and their use/application and storage. The website is not intended to provide a comprehensive source of information for consumers, business partners, nor for your individual circumstances. The website should not be viewed as a substitute for obtaining professional service or legal advice. Although care and diligence has been exercised in compiling the information on the website, Champion Flour Milling Ltd., its Subsidiaries and Suppliers make no representations and give no warranties as to the accuracy and completeness of the information on the website and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, Champion Flour Milling Ltd., its Subsidiaries and Suppliers will not be liable to any person, company or institution, for any advice, errors or omissions in any information appearing on the website or incorporated into it by reference.

Champion Flour Milling Ltd., its Subsidiaries and Suppliers provide the information on on the basis that you undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content and your ultimate application and use of the same including any recipes and additional resources and collateral supplied via the website.

Your use of the website is covered by this Disclaimer and any associated Terms of Trade document which may be incorporated as part of your contractual dealings with Champion Flour Milling Ltd., and by using the website you are accepting the terms of this Disclaimer and Terms of Trade. Please do not use this website if you disagree with any of the clauses in this disclaimer.

Intellectual Property

1. All content included on the Website (including compilation of, and software used on, this Website), such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations, and software, is the property of Champion Flour Milling Ltd., or its content and software suppliers, and protected by New Zealand and International copyright laws.

2. No part of the Website or the Intellectual Property in any products and services provided by Champion may be distributed or copied for any commercial purpose, nor incorporated in any other work or publication whether in hard copy, electronic or any other form – unless expressly authorised in writing by authorised Champion personnel. Intellectual Property includes the design of, and all content appearing on the Website, trade marks (including logos), domain names, copyright, registered designs, photographs, patents, rights in computer software, databases and lists, confidential information, know-how and trade secrets and manuals, whether registered or unregistered and whether such rights are capable of registration.

3. All Intellectual Property contained in the products and services provided pursuant to the Terms by Champion (including any improvements, addition, modification or revisions of the same) is owned by Champion Flour Milling Limited.